
About Us

It’s just passion allows you to work constantly. When you do something you love, and others find useful, you grow.


Founder & CEO

Wajid Hussain

Market analyst

Ehsan Landscape

Company @handles

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Gardening Projects
0 k+
Swimming Pool Projects
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Times Irrigation Systems
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Business in UAE


We have many good
client's reviews



Ehsan Landscape paid a lot of attention to small things that make a big difference. They completely change my outdoor area, and I'm really happy with how it turned out! Right from the beginning to the end, they were very professional and creative. I'm damn sure you will get professional on-time delivery by hiring Ehsan Landscape, in short, these guys are just amazing in Dubai.



I'm really happy to tell you about my great time with Ehsan Landscape. As soon as I started using their help, my pool got much better and I felt really pleased! 

James (Jimmy)-feed-back-ehsan-landscape-dubai

James (Jimmy)

Talking with the team was really smooth. They told me how the project was going, and if I had any questions or worries, they answered them quickly. This made everything easy and fun, I am rating Ehsan Landscape 10 out of 10.



I'm excited to share my fantastic experience with Ehsan Landscape. Choosing the bbq installation service has added a new level of enjoyment to my outdoor cooking and entertainment.


Ehsan's Landscape team is really good at cutting hedges. They understood what each plant and shrub needed in my garden. They had really good tools that worked well and looked nice. The team showed they really care about doing a great job.



Ehsan Landscape used really good technology and systems that spread water well in my garden and didn't waste it. This smart way of doing things not only saved water but also made my plants healthy and strong.



The team was really good at getting things done when they said they would. They finished the installation on time and still did a great job. They were always on time and acted like professionals every time we talked. Ehsan Landscape made the whole thing easy and fun, without any worry.



"Picture in my head come and become true" Ehsan Landscape listened and understood what I wanted, and made a gazebo that looked perfect in my backyard.



Ehsan Landscape's prices are really good because they use good stuff and make things really well. The money I spent on their service was really worth it. It made my property more special, and it also made cooking outside and having fun with friends much better.



Ehsan Landscape always makes sure to clean my pool every month. This has helped my pool stay healthy and last a long time. They always clean it up, make sure the chemicals are good, and check that everything is working right. This team kept my pool really nice all the time.

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